818. 635. 1995
Health and Vitality Check Up
Checks 49 glands, organs, and brain parameters
Service Description
The Electro-Chirogram Biofeedback system gives you an instant snapshot of your overall health physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. In an initial Electro-Chirogram session, we will document the vitality of 43 organs and the technician will analyze the vitality of each organ and body system- if the energy is optimal, average, hypo or hyper active. From your Electro-Chirogram scan lifestyle recommendations will be given to put you on the path of permanent optimal wellness. Organ zones react very intelligently to conscious and unconscious thoughts, feeling and emotional information. The interaction of body and psyche is being expressed through the aura in dynamic colors. By means of dynamic full body aura measuring the practitioner can quickly recognize the total corporeal and psychic constitution, the fine substantial energy relation, tensions, potentials and blockages.
Contact Details
Omao, Koloa, HI, USA